19 Sep Anxiety, Articles, Erectile dysfunction, Fear, Health, Impotence, Intimacy, Low libido in men, Sex, Sexual Health Identifying sexual performance anxiety 19th September 2022 By Colin Katz 0 comments SPA is not a recognised medical condition and has no single cause. This makes an accurate diagnosis difficult, as...Continue reading
05 Mar Anxiety, Articles, Fear, Sexual Health Personal sexual distress in young women 7th July 2020 By Colin Katz 0 comments Studies conducted in various countries indicated that up to 50% of young women between the ages of 18 and 39 who ...Continue reading
20 Jun Anxiety, Articles, Depression, Drugs, Fear, Low libido in women, Relationships, Sexual Health How a woman’s sexuality is affected by anti-depressant side effects 2nd December 2019 By Colin Katz 0 comments Studies have revealed that many women claim the combination of low estrogen levels, and the sexual side effects o...Continue reading
28 Jun Articles, Erectile dysfunction, Fear, Health, Hormones, Impotence, Low libido in men, Sexual Dysfunction, Testosterone Has your sexual desire taken a dive? 19th September 2018 By Colin Katz 0 comments You could be battling with inhibited sexual desire which has lowered your libido. The reasons may vary, but can include low testosteron...Continue reading
10 Feb Anxiety, Articles, Erectile dysfunction, Fear, Impotence, Intimacy, Low libido in men, Low libido in women, Premature ejaculation, Sexual Dysfunction, Sexual Health, Testosterone Are you too anxious to have sex? 14th June 2018 By Colin Katz 0 comments If you are sometimes not keen to have a sexual encounter, it may be because you have a lingering memory of a past sexual disaster, and ...Continue reading
15 Jan Fear, Relationships Do you often try and avoid sex? 14th June 2018 By Colin Katz 0 comments The sex impulse is usually a source of pleasure, excitement, comfort, and an expression of love in a relationship. Sadly though, thi...Continue reading